I had never seen such a high, rocky, and rough climbing mountain. This place was so dark I felt discouraged. It was so dark I could only see where I put my hands, but my decision was made, I would get to the top and nothing would stop me. At this point my eyes were hurting and they weren’t quite able to see, not only because it was dark, but because of the sweat. For now all I could hear were the loud waves crushing at the foot of the mountain.

I began to see more and more light as I gained more confidence in what I was doing, but still I was kind of scared to fall or slip. The darkness was smaller and the old bit of light that was dark became brighter and warmer to my face and my eyes were able to see more when I got the opportunity to clean them with my shirt’s collar. I looked down with panic. The waves weren’t as loud anymore because of how high I was. The birds up top with their beautiful singing gave me confidence and they became louder to my ears. Now I looked up. I could see a huge shine.
The birds were louder and louder and I felt like I was accomplishing the biggest thing I had ever tried doing in my short life. My fear was less and less strong as I gained confidence in myself. I could now look down and not panic. The rocks were not as hard to grab on and my feet would not slip as easy. As I kept trying to not fall nor think of my fear I realized I was just a couple steps to the top. I was now confident and knew what I was doing. The light got brighter and stronger. The sun got bigger and brighter to my eyes and warmer to my salty and sweaty face.
I kind of wondered how to take those couple of steps left. I didn’t know where the rest of the rocks were. I was totally exited and anxious, but part of me was scared to fall when I had done so much. I took those last steps. I now took those few or couple last steps grabbing onto those rough rocks as I never had done it and my hands were sore and bleeding. When I finally got there I felt as if it had been the greatest thing I had ever done. Not only did I achieve my goal and I overcame my fear of high places, but I got to the most precious place ever. Even though my hands were sore I couldn’t feel it. Even though I had sweat all over me I would survive and even though I was thirsty something took that thirst away. I felt peace and joy; I saw paradise!
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