
One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Scenes from his life flashed across the sky
and he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life had flashed before him,
he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his life
there was only one set of footprints.

Dismayed, he asked, "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
I don't understand why, when I needed you most,
you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious child.
I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering
when you saw only one set of footprints...

That was when I carried you."

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009


MARK 5:21-34
You know It is so beautiful to look at those stories full of miracles, interesting and realistic incredible stories. Being able to see how Jesus came and did all this miracles and gave health to people that were on a step to die, how this woman who had been sick for the past 12 years of her life constantly bleeding. This woman started walking among the crowd that was following Jesus and said "If I could only touch his cloak I’d be free". She touched his cloak and was free of her sickness.
I read a story once about this girl who was sold into prostitution. Who thought all she was, was nothing but a prostitute. Until this random guy comes to where she lives and tells her that she is to be his wife because God told him too. Mmm…this man comes to her and just takes her to his house. How would you feel? Especially if he married you while you were unconscious. And he says he loves you when you don’t even know him. Throughout the story, besides the many times she escaped, he didn’t give up. He gave her the love she needed but she rejected him. As he kept strong in God and she didn’t want to even listen to him, and ignored everything that had to do with God, she became to soften and was able to love him and became to love God. As we can see in these two stories, both the women who bleed and the man who loved this women that was totally lost found a way out with God. He knows our plans perfectly and he will never fail us. He has perfect plans for our lives and when he closes a door he will ALWAYS open another one! He will lead us through the dark tunnel where you can see a little bit of light at the end! And you know we are sometimes like that girl in the story towards God. We sometimes don’t see that God’s love is so amazing that he created this earth for us and everything that we see. Sometimes we as humans think, were that God? and we don’t even care...but God cares he cares so much that even the hairs on our heads are numbered (Matthew 10:30) . Sometimes we have this perspective of God being like this guy who’s in outer space and that is just like judging us for what we do or what we say , but he does not. Sometimes we think that we are not good enough to love him and SHINE for him, but he is ALWAYS ready to help us. He is always beside us, guiding us no matter how impossible the problem seems to be (to us). We should never allow our fear to keep us from approaching him. No matter what the situation is or what the problem seems to be He is always going to accept us and forgive us (Micah 7:18). He is a LOVING God who created us and send his ONE and ONLY Son that whoever believes in him would have Eternal life. Whoever believed in him will not perish and will be LIGHT to a broken world!
And it isn’t about just believing you are saved. The fact of believing is the start of a new life. The old has gone the new has come. The start of a new and amazing relationship with The Creator of the universe, with the perfect FATHER we have! I mean, if Jesus had died just to safe us from hell, we wouldn’t still be here. There is a higher purpose. Life is too short so lets not waste it. We sometimes just pray for Jesus to safe us, but we need to meet the real Jesus. The Jesus who does miracles, the one who protects us no matter what, and the one who loved us so much that suffered for our sins! The Jesus who didn’t just die and rose the third day, but that he also became a HUMAN being to do it for us, Jesus the one who redeems and heals the brokenness in our hearts. That is what he wants, for us to be opened to him. We can never avoid strife from the world around us, but when we fix our thoughts on God we ca know the perfect peace even on extreme conditions. As we focus our mind on God and His word we become steady and stable supported by God’s unchanging love and mighty power and we are not shaken by the surrounding and the chaos. That is why he created us. To love and fix our thoughts in him, but not only serve him, but to serve other around us. To be a light to them, love them under no condition as he has loved us. Love him above all, love others above us. We need to communicate with him and give it all to Him! And he WANTS us to communicate with him! Praise him for the love and things he has given and also to hand over to him our sorrow for his yolk is easy and his burden is light. So if you want peace fix your thought on God and trust Him no matter what. (Philippians 4:7)
And life will be hard, through the right path, BUT this path is the lead to life and eternity. We go through many ups and downs, joyful, frustrating and even sad moments, but we have someone, besides our friends, walking with us and that is God. And we will get our reward after getting to the end of this spiritual battle in fact the Bible also tells us that we WILL also receive many blessings and rewards here on Earth (Proverbs 11:31). Through everything and also when all ends we will be with our creator, father, friend and SAVIOR!
People will reject you, laugh at you, they will even try to hurt you, not only emotionally but even physically, but who ever stands firm till the end will be saved, (Matthew 10:22) rewarded and eternally loved!

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